CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters

CRUS Hercules Starlifter
During my time working at Cloud Imperium Games on the Vehicle Art team, I had the opportunity to work on the C2 Hercules Starlifter.
I was responsible for creating most of the cockpit, the habitation section and the sleeping quarters.

Special thanks to Graeme Palmer for the lighting pass, general guidance and the door assets.
Props were created by the Props/Environment Team.

© 2022 Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Ltd.

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Overview 01

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Overview 01

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Overview 02

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Overview 02

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Overview 03

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Overview 03

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Beds 01

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Beds 01

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Beds 02

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Beds 02

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Bathroom 01

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Bathroom 01

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Bathroom 02

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Bathroom 02

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Bathroom 03

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Bathroom 03

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Storage

CRUS Hercules Starlifter - Sleeping Quarters Storage